Bachelor's Degrees
They are aimed at guaranteeig students an adequate command of general scientific methods and contents as well as specific professional skills.
The general access requirement is the school leaving qualification awarded on completion of 12 years of global schooling.
Bachelor degrees courses last 3 years, and the degree is awarded to students who have earned 180 credits. The completion of a training period may also be required.
A limited number of programmes "Single-cycle Degree Courses" (one-block LM courses).
For admission to Medicine and Surgery in English language course check the course web page.
Students that got admission for a.y. 2024-25 should get their visa and arrive in Catania by the beginning of second semester (1st March 2025).
Our Educational Offer
To be eligible for enrollment in a first-cycle or single-cycle degree program in Italy, you must possess a valid foreign secondary school diploma that meets the following criteria:
- Minimum Education Requirement: The diploma must be obtained after completing at least 12 years of schooling.
- Eligibility for Comparable Programs: The qualification must provide access to a comparable degree program in the universities of the country where it was issued (or in the country associated with the educational system).
- Entrance Exam Completion: If university admission in your country requires entrance examinations (e.g., the Gaokao in China), you must have successfully passed these academic tests.
Check here to learn whether there are particular requirements for the diplomas of your country.
All students in order to enrol should submit:
- High/secondary school leaving qualification certificate or equivalent qualifications (e.g. A levels/the International Baccalaureate/High school diploma or equivalent);
- certificate confirming you have passed a university entrance test if the school that issued your secondary/high school certificate (or equivalent) is under the jurisdiction of a country where the regulations require such an exam
- ENIC/NARIC "Statement of comparability" of your Secondary School leaving qualification or the Dichiarazione di Valore issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representative in the country where the qualification was awarded;
If you are interested in Bachelor's Degree Courses taught in Italian you can request a letter of eligibility that you can present to the Italian embassy during pre-enrolment by filling in this form from 08.04.2025 to 30.06.2025. In order to successfully complete the form you should, if you have it, attach a Statement of comparability realesed by an ENIC/NARIC centre or the Declaration of value of your high school Diploma.
Non EU students should own a B2 certificate in Italian language or pass an Italian language test (CISIA L2 Italian language test is accepted if passed with a minimum score of 40/72).
International students residing outside the EU who intend to pre-enroll must submit an online pre-enrollment request by 31.07.2025 by connecting to the website
Once registered, follow the procedure for international students. Once your request has been approved ask to the italian embassy in your country the release of a Study VISA.