University of Catania
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Virtual Biosensor for Medical Warning Precursor
logo del progetto Mediwarn
international research
Transfrontier cooperation programmes
Main ERC field: 
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Unict role: 
Duration (months): 
Start date: 
Sunday, May 20, 2018
End date: 
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Total cost: 
€ 1.622.523,46
Unict cost: 
€ 619.920,00
Università di Catania
Principal investigator in Unict: 
Rosario Sinatra
University department involved: 
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • University of Malta (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Department of surgery)
  • Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria "Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele" (UOC Anestesia e Rianimazione 2)


MEDIWARN addresses the problem of delayed early medical intervention in critically ill patients who, in the absence of monitoring and real-time measurement of physiological parameters, may incur progressive clinical deterioration.

The general objective of the project is to support medical and nursing staff during the monitoring phases of patients admitted to the care wards by using innovative tools, resulting in a significant improvement in patient comfort during hospitalization and an enhancement of the health service for citizens. At the same time, the objective is to promote the dissemination of electromedical technologies into society.

The project proposes a technologically advanced system capable of providing high standards of care for hospitalized patients. A virtual biosensor that allows to acquire, in real time, the vital parameters of the patients through the use of a peripheral sensory system will be implemented. It will provide interpretative elements on the clinical status of patients and their evolution before deterioration of vital function, according to EWS criteria, triggrs the alarm (Early warning Score, a method actually used by health workers). In this way, unlike the EWS, the health care professional will be promptly informed about the clinical condition of each patient since the computer assigned to the department, equipped with artificial intelligence, will provide an overview of the patient’s clinical status.

This information will also be sent to mobile devices (tablets) held by medical personnel.The project outputs are as follows:to increase the number of patients promptly identified with slowly deteriorating clinical conditions or with prodromal phases of pathologies with fatal evolutionto increase the quality standard of health benefits by doctors and nurses working in non-intensive wardsto strengthen the dissemination of new technologies targeted for electromedical companiesThe cross border approach promotes an extended point of view based on the experience of the two territories that use a different organizational and business model within healthcare facilities; this will give the possibility to extend the new approach to other Countries operating with different models.