University of Catania
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Nearshore hazard monitoring and Early Warning System
international research
Transfrontier cooperation programmes
Main ERC field: 
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Unict role: 
Duration (months): 
Start date: 
Thursday, March 1, 2018
End date: 
Monday, March 1, 2021
Total cost: 
€ 1.309.344,21
Unict cost: 
€ 498.069,63
Università degli studi di Enna "Kore"
Principal investigator in Unict: 
Enrico Foti
University department involved: 
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Università degli Studi di  Malta, Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa.


The southern Sicilian coast and the islands of the Maltese archipelago are highly exposed to risks from the marine environment. The coasts are subject to rapid erosion due to both natural and anthropogenic factors that lead to collapse of cliffs, the establishment of localized erosive phenomena and the possibility of flooding.

The project is aimed at developing an integrated system of monitoring, early warning and mitigation of risks from the sea, with the aim of informing the population with adequate anticipation of floods, erosion of sandy coasts and collapses in crags and to activate measures safeguard to prevent damage to persons.

At the same time, the project aims to develop systems for the dissemination of information collected to users of the marine system (boaters, fishermen, sportsmen, swimmers, etc ...) through a specific App, in order to sensitize the population to coastal risk. The diffusion of such systems among the population will allow to have an alert system that can arrive directly to the final user during the calamitous events.

Specifically, the project aims to create a line of action, common to the two target countries, which goes from monitoring to the proposal of specific actions and works, to address the risks in question and build resilient communities against disasters due to the risk- sea.

The outputs produced by the project will remain operational on the territory for the control, management and mitigation of sea risk. In this sense, consider the presence as a partner of the Free Municipal Consortium of Ragusa, as well as that as associated partners of the Coast Guard of Eastern Sicily and of the Civil Protection Dept. Dept.

Awareness and training campaigns will be aimed at the population, while operational procedures will be defined with the actors involved in prevention and mitigation actions.