Electrical Engineering
Course Overview
The master degree in Electrical Engineering has as its main objective the education of high-profile professional figures able to cope with all issues relating to the production, distribution and efficient use of electrical energy. Particular attention is devoted to the broadening of primary energy sources, the energy conversion and the control of electrical systems.
Those who will be graduated in the Master Degree in Electrical Engineering will learn how:
- formulating mathematical models of components and / or processes for the production, transmission and use of electrical energy;
- to analyze complex problems in the field of electrical engineering and to formulate innovative solutions;
- to develop projects of electrical plants both in industrial and civil fields, also using the methodologies of the automation;
- to design and use power electronics converters, machines and electrical drives;
- to design and supervise the realization of systems for the generation of electrical energy from both conventional and alternative sources;
- to be able to work as a team in order to design systems that require a multidisciplinary approach.
The course is articulated giving great emphasis to the characterizing topics (Electrotechnics, Electrical Systems, Electric Machines, Electrical Measures). In these courses, the students learn and strengthen the knowledge about the electromagnetic fields and circuits, operation of machines and electrical systems, materials for electrical engineering, planning and operation of electrical energy systems, electronic and laboratory instrumentation, power electronics, industrial automation. In many course lessons, a significant part of the lesson is devoted to practical and laboratory experiences (especially in design-devoted courses), so that the student can consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained through tests and experiments. Candidates for the Master Degree in Electrical Engineering will have to test their skills by writing a thesis to be carried out autonomously, following the tutor directives, which may cover topics of a theoretical or applicative nature within the disciplines characterizing the Master.