University of Catania
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Objectives and Organization

cartina disegnata su lavagna

The promotion of internationalization is part of the Strategic Planning of the University of Catania and serves as an essential tool for providing a global perspective to students and the entire institution.

The global nature of political, economic, and financial activities necessitates an international perspective in designing curricula and educational offerings to prepare students for working and living in a context of global interdependence. The process of internationalization involves integrating an international perspective into teaching, learning, research, and services..

  • To encourage the international mobility of Unict students for study, thesis research, and internships, through the establishment of international agreements and mobility programs that can provide financial support;
  • To increase Unict’s attractiveness to international students by enhancing and qualifying the educational offerings in foreign languages, optimizing services for international student reception (buddy tutors, housing, Italian language courses), and promoting Unict’s academic programs and research activities abroad;
  • To boost the international mobility of faculty, both incoming and outgoing, with the aim of strengthening existing networks and creating new collaborations with foreign research and educational institutions, as well as with incoming faculty;
  • To provide Unict students with internationalization at home experiences;
  • To improve the language skills of Unict students and staff through the services and activities of the University's Language Center 
Academic Board for internationalisation

The internationalization strategy of the University of Catania is defined and implemented by the Academic Board for internationalisation, with responsibilities divided by major scientific areas in order to better address the needs and potential of each sector.

Deleghe all'internazionalizzazione


Internationalization Committee

To systematize collaboration with the Departments, an Internationalization Committee has been established. This committee includes the Erasmus and internationalization delegates from all the University's Departments, a team of technical-administrative staff from the International Mobility Office, and two student representatives.

Internationaliszation Committee


Administrative Organization

International activities are primarily managed by the International Relations Operational Unit, which focuses on: International Mobility, International Students, and International Netword.

The University’s Language Center also participates in internationalization activities. A Cultural Mediator Service is available offers to Non-EU students support for the completion of the necessary bureaucratic practices before and during their stay in Catania.

The International Relations Unit and the Academic Board for internationalisation work closely with the International Didactic Units and the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators in each Department.


Last updated: 
29/01/2025 - 16:29