Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
Academic Year:
Degree Level:
Master's Degree
Teaching Facility:
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Access Requirements:
Nationally scheduled
Italian Classification:
LM/SNT1 - Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche
Teaching Languages:
Course Overview
Nursing Nursing and Midwifery Sciences’ is a 2-year course which qualifies students to:
- promote decisional processes aimed at the patient and his family
- plan and intervene operationally on issues, including gender matters, of assistance and complex organisation;
- create innovative models of assistance and obstetrics together with a system of assistance standards and professional competence, on the basis of health analyses and the services on offer
- programme, manage and evaluate assistance services to improve quality
- collaborate in planning and managing costs and the budget in relation to objectives and health assistance policies
- participate in planning for the personal requirements of assistance and pass that on to operational units on the basis of patient evaluations
- plan and coordinate the recruitment, hiring, orientation, training and performance evaluation of health personnel in the service
- identify future abilities/competences to guarantee excellence, reorganisation or new services; evaluate work satisfaction and quality, develop strategies to motivate and retain professional staff
- evaluate the competence of personnel to augment professional potential
- ensure that assistance staff and their coordinators are involved in the decision making which influences their work; contribute to defining a systematic plan for the continuous improvement of quality and define standards and indicators to evaluate the pertinent assistance
- supervise the assistance provided to doctors and take part in professional consultancy; apply and evaluate the impact of different theoretical models of assistance
- critically analyse the ethics of assistance as well as multi-professional and multicultural issues
- develop historic-philosophical analysis of nursing and obstetric assistance
- plan, create and evaluate the results of educational interventions; plan foundation, specialisation and refresher courses related to health issues and services
- develop the teaching of nursing and paediatric/obstetric nursing; manage tutoring to facilitate learning on the job and guarantee quality apprenticeships for students at all levels
- plan and create in collaboration with other professionals educational interventions to support the individual and the community for self-management and for checking risk factors and health issues
- employ methods and research instruments pertinent to clinically assisting the professional in terms of organisation and education
- identify specific issues and research areas in the fields of clinicians, organisation and education
- apply the results of research adapting them to specific contexts for continuous improvement in assistance quality; use ICT technology to document and monitor clinical competence and the performance of personnel to define the work-loads of operations units/departments and assistance standards.