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University of Catania
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International cooperation projects Archive
Life Sciences
DAFRALI - Défis sociétaux et gouvernance des universités africaines: le cas des aliments au Maroc, en République démocratique du Congo et au Sénégal
Enhancing productivity on family farms to increase Monzambigue food security project
Malattie del melograno e del pistacchio e ricerca di ecotipi resistenti alle malattie fungine in Iran
Physical Sciences and Engineering
ADAPTM - Climate change management through adaptation and mitigation
EPAF - Earthquake potential of active faults using offshore geological and morphological indicators
MIAREM - Méthodologies Innovantes et Actions de Renforcement pour protéger l'Environnement Méditerranéen
Social Sciences and Humanities
AIM - Accesible Information Material
APPRENT - Refining higher education apprenticeships with enterprises in Europe
ARTEST - Enhancing Education Programs in Arts and Humanities via EU STEM Methods and Technologies
DIRE-MED - Dialogue interculturel, reseaux et mobilité en Mediterranée
EURASIA - European studies revitalized across Asian universities
HANSEL - Legal contexts, citizenship and HT investigation - Improving transitional investigation between Italy and France
IENE 7 - Improving communication, intercultural and social skills for foreigners and migrants who work as caregivers of elderly people in Europe
NORADICA - Inter - Religious dialogue against radicalization of youth through innovative learning practises at school
REALISE - Realising the potential of the International mobility of Staff in higher Education
STEAM - Skills Development in Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe
THE UNTEACHABLES - Helping the new generations of school teachers turn increasingly unteachable young students into young learnables
VINCE - Validation for inclusion of new citizens of Europe
VVITA - Modernazing learning and teaching for achitecture through smart and long-lasting partnerships leading to sustainable and inclusive development strategies to vitalize heritage villages through innovative technologies
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