La Direction Générale de la Production Agricole (DGPA), Tunisi (Tunisia), Le Groupement de Développment Agricole des Eleveurs de Brebis du Nord (GDAEBN), Béja – (Tunisia), Consorzio per la Ricerca sulla Filiera Lattiero-Casearia (CoRFiLaC), Ragusa (Italia), Gruppo di Azione Locale Eloro (GAL Eloro), Noto (Italia).
The goal of JESMED is to support entrepreneurship in the sheep breeding sector in Tunisia and in Italy by identifying and enhancing the distinctive quality marks of sheepmeat. The success of the project implies the exploitation of the experience of the Italian partners in the Sicilian region in the development of alternative food resources, evaluation of the nutritional and sensorial characteristics of the products, creation of traceability systems, certification and control of the labeled products and communication. The proposed actions will allow the promotion of ecotourism, the training of operators specialized in certification and quality control and the establishment of marketing contracts. In Sicily there are no protection marks for sheep meat and the experience of this project will represent a model for the promotion of Sicilian lamb meat. In Tunisia, this project will create an SMSA from various stakeholders in the sheep sector of the autochthonous Noir de Thibar breed. Within JESMED, the University of Catania will have the specific role of contributing to the determination of the quality characteristics of sheepmeat and of transferring these skills to Tunisian partners.