Università di Catania
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Pausa natalizia 2024

Tutte le nostre sedi saranno chiuse da lunedì 23 a venerdì 27 dicembre. L'Ufficio di Protocollo generale garantirà il servizio lunedì 23 (ore 8-13).

Simulations of relativistic gravitational fields

The project aims at providing expertise to simulate relativistic gravitational fields 
required for high precision investigation of astrophysical and cosmological phenomena. Recommended language skills: English B2.
Study cycle: 
post graduate
Languages skills required: 
Italian A2
6 months
first semester
Accident insurance during working hours only and Liability insurance
Position reserved for partner university within Erasmus bilateral traineeship agreement (specify the name of the university): 
Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsaw (Poland) - 3 positions
Other facilities
Traineeship type: 
Erasmus traineeship