Università di Catania
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Incoming Mobility

The University of Catania gives foreign students, professors and staff the possibility to spend up to one year mobility for study, training and teaching purposes within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

Mobilities can take place from October to July of every academic year (be aware that no didactic activities are offered in August and September). 

Erasmus students' mobility starting date will be the Welcome Day , while professors and staff can decide either to partecipate to the Erasmus Staff Week or to agree with the hosting structure the period of their mobility.
Updated information on courses timetables and exams sessions is available  the departments pages.

Students and professors will receive administrative assistance and logistic support from the hosting university but should apply for mobility funds to their home institutions.
Please check the web pages related to administrative procedures for Erasmus Study , Erasmus Traineeship , Erasmus for Teaching (STA) and Erasmus for Training (STT) and on the services and facilities available at the University of Catania.


International Mobility Office (IMO)
Villa Citelli
Via Salvatore Tomaselli, 31
95124 - Catania

Erasmus+ incoming students
Sebastiano Finocchiaro
Phone: +39 095 7307049

Erasmus+ incoming professors and staff
Giuliana Aiello
Phone: +39 095 7307051

Departmental contacts

International Didactic Units Erasmus Coordinators

Ultima modifica: 
17/03/2024 - 22:12