Individual STT Mobility
Visiting professors and administrative units, coming from partner institutions who have already signed a Bilateral Erasmus Agreement with the University of Catania, may also choose to apply and be accepted by a specific department or other structures of interest at UNICT for job shadowing practice or training. Visitors from higher education institutions are therefore expected to take this chance to exchange the knowledge they have in relation to a particular problem of a technical or cultural nature which may help both institutions to improve work skills and performance and enhance best practice.
- Before leaving - Application procedures
Staff will be able to register their application using the University web-system for mobility periods to be performed at UniCT. Visiting professors and administrative units, coming from partner institutions who have already signed a Bilateral Erasmus Agreement with the University of Catania, may also choose to apply and be accepted by a specific department or other structure at UNICT for job shadowing practice or training. Each agreement is valid for the reference years only.
Both professors and administrative staff units, appointed by their home institutions, need to get in touch with their chosen departments or other structures at UNICT for an Invitation Letter signed by the Erasmus Department Coordinator (if the visitors want to visit a department) or by the director (if visitors want to visit an other structure at UNICT). This letter must include dates, number of hours and activities to be performed, and has to be uploaded as an attachment file at the end of the online application. After receiving the application, the International Relations Unit (IRO) of the University of Catania will send to each applicant a formal acceptance by e-mail, signed by the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator of the University or on his behalf by IRO Coordinator.
Any further queries or additional documents required by their sending institution has to be addressed to .
- Upon arrival in Catania - Training activities
The incoming visitors will be expected to perform all the activities scheduled in the training programme agreed with the hosting structure and will be coordinated by the contact person in Catania
- Before Leaving - Training activities certification
At the end of the training period, the incoming staff will provide IDU with a Training Activity Report, signed by the Erasmus / International Departmental Coordinator. The IDU, after cheked documentation, will send the certification to the IRO that provides the incoming staff with the Attendance certificate (sent by e-mail).